Our organization has been a longstanding community food hub and our new facility has given us the opportunity to expand our program to support more people. Our truck goes to local grocery stores picking up food they can no longer sell and we receive donations from kind community members. Food Banks Canada standards give us the ability to stretch the life of food further, for example non perishable items are able to be distributed safely 1 year past the items best before date. This gives us the ability to share this edible food with our families and reduce landfill waste.
We developed the Food Collab Program as a way to showcase the partnerships in the community where we share our resources. This partnership means that they can fundraise for what they do best and receive their food from us to support their individuals. By collaborating the food donations and distribution to one location we are able to fundraise for what we do best and it gives us the opportunity to stretch a dollar further because of our ability to bulk buy and recieve special discounts from suppliers.
We currently supply food to 48 local organizations with food for their programming. If you want to find out more about our Food Collab program please email Warehouse@mhfoodbank.com or call 403-528-4313 ext.4